Many of the worst injuries suffered by people each year are caused by burn accidents. It is imperative that anyone who has suffered a burn should have their injuries addressed by seeking the best care possible in order to avoid further complications or permanent skin damage. Seeking representation from a qualified personal injury lawyer is a critical first step in holding the responsible party accountable. If you or someone you care for has been burned as the result of another’s negligence, you have rights to compensation for your injury.
James W. Sutton III, Attorney-at-Law, is a personal injury attorney with extensive experience in helping burn victims recover the compensation they need to cover their losses, injuries, and other damages stemming from their burn injury.The following gives an insight on burn accidents.
About Burn Injuries
Burns can occur in many different ways and be caused by no fault of your own. You can be burned by fires, electrical contact, friction, radiation, hot metals or objects and steam, but most commonly burns are caused by hot liquids from coffee to tap water. These last two are responsible for the vast majority of burn injuries today.
More Importantly is that practically all burns are preventable and caused by negligence. A building manager who is lax on responsibilities may allow the tap water thermostat or smoke detectors to go unaddressed for too long. Manufacturers that create electrically flawed products can also cause burn injuries due to negligence.
Typically burns can be divided into three categories or degrees of damage. These are:
First Degree Burns – these are superficial and only the top layer of skin, the epidermis, is damaged.
Second Degree Burns – the damage penetrates through the first layer of skin and damages the dermis, or the next layer below.
Third Degree Burns – damages traverses the skin and affects bones tendons and muscle tissue below.