The summer is approaching fast. As finals approach for many school-aged children and the promise of a few months of sun and fun looms ever more enticingly on the horizon, we are also approaching a time of danger for young drivers. Memorial Day kicks off a period known as the 100 deadliest days for teenage drivers.
In the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day, more teenagers die in car accidents than at any other time during the year. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, on average, 260 teenagers lose their lives in car crashes each month during the summer. This means that teens are 26 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident during the 100 deadliest days compared to other parts of the year.
It’s not just deaths – teens are also much more likely to be injured in car accidents. Because teenagers are out of school, that means more time behind the wheel and more time being spent with friends in the car. The increased time in the car, increased distraction due to friends in the car and increased rates of alcohol use all lead to a greater potential for accidents.
How Can My Teen Avoid a Car Accident During the 100 Deadliest Days?
According to AAA, the top ten deadly driving mistakes are:
- Overconfidence
- Peer pressure
- Drunk driving
- Late night driving
- Messing with music
- Cellphone use
- Driving with rowdy passengers
- Speeding
- Not using a seatbelt
- Taking unnecessary risks
To protect your teenager from car accidents, talk to him or her about the risks. Provide your teens with common sense solutions to problems that may arise while driving. You can also utilize apps that can prevent your teenager from using a cellphone while driving. You should also set a good example by following safe driving practices any time your teen is in your vehicle with you. Lastly, stay informed. You can do that by continuing to follow our blog.