Bike accidents in Feasterville are a common occurrence because of the high amount of vehicular traffic in this region. Many individuals want to cycle to work or school to save money on gasoline, but they must travel along busy streets. Vehicle drivers are responsible for watching out for cyclists who are on the side of the road or changing lanes to cross a street. Injured cyclists can include any age group, including children, teenagers, and adults.
Contact an Attorney for Legal Representation
When a cyclist is injured during a collision with a vehicle, it is essential for the injured party to contact a personal injury attorney who understands the local regulations concerning bike accidents in Feasterville. Vehicle drivers who fail to follow the local laws designed for protecting cyclists are responsible for paying for the injured individual’s medical bills but these expenses are typically covered by the driver’s insurance.
Contact Emergency Responders After a Bicycle and Vehicular Collision
If a vehicle driver hits a cyclist, then he should stop and provide assistance, including contacting paramedics and law enforcement. Failing to stop at the scene of a bicycle and vehicular collision can have serious ramifications for an injured person who requires emergency medical attention.
Cycling Injuries are Often Severe
A cyclist can hire a personal injury attorney to sue the city for negligence when the streets or sidewalks are in poor condition. Bike accidents in Feasterville can lead to serious injuries because a cyclist isn’t protected as are passengers in an automobile. When a cyclist is injured by a vehicle, he or she is more likely to have medical issues that will last a lifetime.
Injured Cyclists Have a Right to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
Cycling injuries are a common problem in the United States with nearly 45,000 incidents each year. Over 800 cyclists are killed during a bicycle and vehicle collision. When a vehicle driver’s insurance company refuses to pay for the injured individual’s medical and living expenses, it is possible to hire an attorney to fight for more money. Contact James W. Sutton, III for a no-cost case evaluation.